The whole corrupt machine Democrats and Republicans serve Israel. All sides seem very happy to end our existence. They dont bother trying to hide any of it. I just am at a loss how the country that is supposed to be our "greatest ally" can also want us dead. Seems like the Pied Piper nursery rhyme.
Personally, I think WW3 coincides with the final curtain draw. "The final Great Awakening". I just don't understand biblically how this plays out. If God's chosen aim at destroying the gentiles, then who's side does God take? Who is the evil that God destroys? Will there be 3 sides?
They want white people gone or bred out of existence. They want blacks/browns to be the new replacement or dominant races... that the Joos can then control as a sub-race to themselves.
The whole corrupt machine Democrats and Republicans serve Israel. All sides seem very happy to end our existence. They dont bother trying to hide any of it. I just am at a loss how the country that is supposed to be our "greatest ally" can also want us dead. Seems like the Pied Piper nursery rhyme.
Personally, I think WW3 coincides with the final curtain draw. "The final Great Awakening". I just don't understand biblically how this plays out. If God's chosen aim at destroying the gentiles, then who's side does God take? Who is the evil that God destroys? Will there be 3 sides?
They want white people gone or bred out of existence. They want blacks/browns to be the new replacement or dominant races... that the Joos can then control as a sub-race to themselves.