THE GREAT AMNESTY: GAW has the best mod team on the WINs! But we're not perfect (and nobody knows that better than CatsFive)! Want to come back and contribute? Lift? Dig? Research? And make high-effort, high-quality POSTS? Drop us a modmail, say why you were banned, promise to be good, and L.F.G.!!!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

What other boards do you go to where they have such terrible mods?
Just looking at what you're using as a yardstick to measure how good mods are.
The mods here are by far the best on the Internet. Hands down. I don't expect perfection because they are human. However they have continued mission bound since the beginning and will continue that way.
I am using my almost 4 years of experience, countless interactions on personal level, plus what has been revealed to me through Jesus. I understand not everyone will be as caught up as me and that's fine. You can think what you want. However God has put on my heart to defend them as long as they remain mission focused..
Someday the full story will be told about .win. until then I encourage you to pray on it and let God guide you. Again I am not saying they are perfect but they do do a dam good job here
It's a tough gig my fren. This place is alot like a digital boot camp. It's often best to focus on where you can grow first. If you ever need someone to vent to or prayer, feel free to reach out. God bless. Hope you have a great day. Much love
What other boards do you go to where they have such terrible users?
Just looking at what you're using as a yardstick to measure how good your users are.
Know what 'yardstick' we use, here? Here's a hint: This user has no posts.