THE GREAT AMNESTY: GAW has the best mod team on the WINs! But we're not perfect (and nobody knows that better than CatsFive)! Want to come back and contribute? Lift? Dig? Research? And make high-effort, high-quality POSTS? Drop us a modmail, say why you were banned, promise to be good, and L.F.G.!!!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

They're too quick to the draw. Just recently as a matter of fact.
I asked a question about Trump and was accused of all sorts of things for it and my account couldn't reply to gain more knowledge from my question.
The mods are not that great if they do not allow conversation to occur.
You'll eventually be called a troll, a doomer and an ass hole. Not everyone around here is a high-class intellectual in search of TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Last post, 2 years ago.
Literally over a dozen "this guy's an a-hole" mod notes in your profile
And yet you're still back for more! Oh, you!!! Ya love to see it, don'tcha!
See you in a couple weeks
I shouldn't laugh, I'm actually properly embarrased by my last ban. Hopefully I apologised, if not, I'll say it now. Sorry I was an arsehole.
It's not bad for some introspection on this topic. It doesn't take much for modding to go off the rails like so many other sites. Most of us have prob been banned from reddit aleast once
Come on my fren. It's a tough job and they deal with a lot of different personalities. Cats even said they know they aren't perfect. Yet they still are the best mods on any site ever, especially for the mission they have been given. Let's use this post a fresh start and learn and grow from it so we can be better anons for them. The mods are all very solid loving people. You are free to reach out to me in PM if you ever need to let off some steam. God bless you. Much love
You didn't have the experience I did. I had to listen to a mod tell me he's a conspiracy theory author and knew better than I did.
Which mod is a conspiracy theory author?
I'd love to know the name of the book they wrote, too, if they happen to see this post.
Sounds like an interesting subject to write about.
Make a post about how to counter the idea gaining steam that Trump is a sellout. He'll pop right in.
I wrote "Thin Thighs in Thirty Days"
Im sorry you had a bad experience. However You don't have to believe me but I can promise you the mod team here is the best out of anywhere else you will go to. Not perfect(truly none are) however if you remain humble and loving you will often see that when there are negative experiences, there is usually room for us to grow as well. Focus on those and move forward with the bigger picture in mind.
Also keep in mind we have the choice to allow people's words to effect us and cause us to get in negative mindset. That includes the mods actions. Learn and grow from all experiences. The mods are mission focused and they will remain that way
You can tell a power trip when it's happening right before you
(-1 GAW Social Credit Point)
Keep it up and your handle will be changed to IDiedIn-3.
You post every 3-5 months, frog. Just what kind of "credit" score would you expect?
I am but a mere mortal sir.
You should see your notes. You had TONS of touches before the trigger was pulled on you.
That's crazy because I rarely interact with posts. So how many could there have been?
I use screenshots to spread the word of happenings, etc. on my IG account.
Your mod notes have a scrollbar, if that's any indication
This is what's so hilarious about what users in this thread think mods do. We usually don't ban unless there is quite a long list of previous interactions where the user us running massive amounts of red lights.
Perhaps. But the reasoning presented to me had to do with the post and not my history. Then came the ridicule and the power trip.
Mods have a lot of information on hand. But do they know how to be humble enough to correct their own mistakes when presented with a reasonable answer?