179 Be still my beating heart...: Oreos are more effective than highly profitable Pfizer Drug. (thehighwire.com) 😃 SUDDENLY COOKIES ARE FINE 😃 posted 1 year ago by Island_Photo 1 year ago by Island_Photo +179 / -0 The Jig Is Up: Toxic Oreos lower LDL Cholesterol More Than Statins - The HighWire Challenging medical norms: Statins - are they really effective? The debate over cholesterol and its impact on big pharma. 77 comments share 77 comments share save hide report block hide replies
20mg of statins is excessive. 5mg is more than enough as a supplement to lifestyle changes.
Burning out your arteries with a poor diet is why they build up with plaque in the first place.
Also he is a Lean Mass Hyper-responder. What he's doing does not apply to everyone.
Too many people just read titles...
He did show a scale with about five Oreos and a pile of pills... So a nibble of Oreo a day keeps the statins away...
But gluttony brings Kevin Spacey..
that scale has no basis in reality.
Just like CNN, MSDNC, etc, etc...