100%. This pisses me off like nothing else. So pissed off. Our election (Kentucky) was fucking rigged ... when repubs swept EVERY OTHER OFFICE by 10-20% margin, but Fagboi Beshear got 54%???? Get the fuck out. So sick of Kentuckians excusing away the OBVIOUS. So sick of this fukin shit. "But he was blah, blah, blah". This is the fukin buckle in the Bible Belt. That shit stain closed churches. His opponent sued him as our AG and won. No way he got more than 49%. No fukin way. The down ballot sweeps is a dead giveaway. Man ... we get what we deserve. Fuk it ... Im looking into moving to Tennessee.
Faggot govs in NC and KY. They'd be in if it wasn't for their lame duck commie leaders.
100%. This pisses me off like nothing else. So pissed off. Our election (Kentucky) was fucking rigged ... when repubs swept EVERY OTHER OFFICE by 10-20% margin, but Fagboi Beshear got 54%???? Get the fuck out. So sick of Kentuckians excusing away the OBVIOUS. So sick of this fukin shit. "But he was blah, blah, blah". This is the fukin buckle in the Bible Belt. That shit stain closed churches. His opponent sued him as our AG and won. No way he got more than 49%. No fukin way. The down ballot sweeps is a dead giveaway. Man ... we get what we deserve. Fuk it ... Im looking into moving to Tennessee.
Yeah and you can bet that Bitch McConnell put support behind anybody that isn't America first