posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +249 / -0

President Trump called the coronavirus an invisible enemy.


Operation Warp Speed was not about getting vaccines to market asap. Anyone would agree, that would be dangerous. Operation Warp Speed put the communist plan in to warp speed. Opening the door for the UN, WEF, WHO, GAVI and Bill Gates to show their true colors.

How do you stop a global threat? How do you stop an evil international group of world leaders who have made it their mission to form a one world government, New World Order? How do you get free people from around the world to stand up and fight back? You put the evil agenda on full display, in the greatest nation on Earth and put it in warp speed, the secret plan becomes painfully obvious. Q used the term, "The world is watching" (21 times).


Q told us there was an advantage knowing the Democrat playbook.

The "10 Planks" of the Marxist Communist Manifesto


Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation.


Looking at Marx and Alinsky's playbooks, how many points do you see playing out?

Did democrats use vaccines to control the people.

Are they using electric vehicle to control transportation?

Open borders to weaken our sovereignty and divide us.

Bill Gates and China buying up all the farmland.

Printing money and using inflation as an invisible tax.

Increasing interest rates, making homes unaffordable.

Common Core and LGBT in our classrooms.

The attack on Christianity.

False flag shootings and growing gun regulations.

In essence, what has happened?

People leaned we need secure borders and sanctuary cities are a stupid idea.

People learned vaccine are deadly, do your research.

People learned our schools are under threat from pedophiles and our children are being indoctrinated.

People learned that careless spending creates inflation and destroys economies.

People have learned they are trying to CONTROL our food.

People have learned there is a NWO trying to enslave humanity.

People have learned the 2nd Amendment protects the other Amendments.

People have learned a closer relationship with Jesus Christ is always the answer.

Ushering in the communist plan at warp speed woke a few people up. It is uniting people worldwide. Farmers of many nations protesting. The green agenda exposed. Media has lost control. States standing behind the Texas plan to stop the border crisis. Millions of people making it to the voting booth to vote for freedom.

Everyone can see what is happening, the World is watching, the movement will grow. When President Trump gets reelected, with the people endorsing his campaign promises, it is time for retribution.