Why are Thousands of Pharmacies Closing?
American Thinker, by James Stansbury
Posted By: DW626, 1/26/2024 5:32:35 AM
About five years ago the only pharmacy in my small town in rural Virginia closed. A year or so later a second county drugstore failed. Soon the owner of the last remaining drugstore in the county was unable to make a profit and had to sell. (These last two managed to reopen at a later date.) I was unaware the loss of our drugstores was a nationwide trend until reading an article by Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council. She reported that mom-and-pop drugstores in rural areas were particularly hard hit, leaving about 630 rural communities with no pharmacy by 2018.
Because big Pharma is putting them out of business. I saw a show about this the other day, but I can’t remember how it all went. But it’s all done diabolically. Anybody who is a mom and pop pharmacy shop, it’s being shut down so they can just use your CVS, Walgreens, etc. That way they can control the flow of medicines.
Although most pharmaceuticals, our garbage, there are a few that are actually necessary and helpful for people. Insulin being one of them. I get a lot of my prescriptions from a compound pharmacy but I pay cash for them. Compound pharmacies are the way to go. If you can’t find something that you want at a regular pharmacy, or if you can’t get your ivermectin from Wallgreens, you can definitely get it from a compound pharmacy as long as your doctor prescribed it for you. It is more expensive though, but that’s the whole point. Compound pharmacies don’t use insurance at all. You have to pay cash.
There’s a person who decides which drugs should be a tier, 1, tier 2, or tier 3. The higher the tier, the lower, the profit is for the person who decides what tier it is. It’s just a whole Nother psyop and another way for somebody to make money off of the people. The reason tier 3 or four medicines cost so much, it’s because the pharmaceutical companies, and that in between person, which I can’t remember what their title is, it doesn’t make as much money. That’s why we have to pay more. It’s insidious.
Sorry, I’m not being more clear but my brain is not working well these days, but that’s what I remember hearing.
Thanks for the info
I really wish I could remember the show, but I think it was Joe Rogan, and the guy that was on there used to work for this pharmaceutical industry. He has his own private compound pharmacy and that’s how he’s able to stay afloat. But yes, they’re trying to shut down all the mom and Pop pharmacies. I think what was happening is once they filled the prescriptions, they weren’t getting reimbursed by the pharmaceutical companies or whoever it was for 3 to 6 months. I mean who can keep up financials like that, with pharmaceuticals, no one….