Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps:
271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million
The Polish government has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 Billion from that country as “compensation for the Holocaust.”
The Poles have published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.
They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.
Another Anon Sauce: http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2019/02/oficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem/
Six Million is a magic number for Jews.
The number was used quite often and prior to 1939. Any time a large number of Jews were affected by something the number would be given as six million.
It seems to be like the way we might say "five minutes", as in: "How long will you be?" "Five minutes." No-one expects the wait to be exactly 300 seconds. My scripture teacher at school suggested that "forty days and forty nights" might mean "a few weeks"."
God says 40 he means 40. 40 is the number for probationary period in the bible.
Amen, His word is the only Truth. You either accept it all or none of it. Hence why it is so bad to be lukewarm. Rev 3:15-16. Furthermore those that are lukewarm often spread the false gospel. I also think of Galatians 1:6-9.
Be vigilant out there Frens, there are hungry lions waiting to devour those who can't discern truth with lies.
Actually, it is not a magic number for jews.
Just a number, your simple mind finds a coininkidink with.
Fuck, man.
Stop letting people lead you like a dog by leash.
So what is your explanation for all those references going back to 1900 about "six million"?
Here is one suggestion:
Here is a video on the subject of Jewish Gematria: https://archive.org/details/JewishGematriaTheMysticalNumber6000000