ex post facto laws are unconstitutional. You cannot hold somone guilty for a breaking a law that did not exist to break at the time of the alleged infraction. Bills of attainder -that is, making a law simply designed to prosecute a specific individual -- are unconstituional. The 2022 law designed to be able to prosecute Trump for something beyond the statute of limitations offends the whole long established legal concept of a statute of limitations.
I agree. NYC has a 3yr statute of limitations on sexual assault. They changed this law just for President Trump's case. He will appeal.
ex post facto laws are unconstitutional. You cannot hold somone guilty for a breaking a law that did not exist to break at the time of the alleged infraction. Bills of attainder -that is, making a law simply designed to prosecute a specific individual -- are unconstituional. The 2022 law designed to be able to prosecute Trump for something beyond the statute of limitations offends the whole long established legal concept of a statute of limitations.