The DS absolutely was looking at the drops, and probably still are, some messages were for them and Q told us several times things like this:
'message not for anons'
'others are here'
'we can hear you breathing' to LDR
How much or if this is part of the movie, guess we'll find out. Good for your husband... practicing critical thinking!
Here is a thought my husband believes.
Don't you think the deep state reads all these drops? They knew the name Carroll was associated with the drop?
This explains why she asked for 24 million but was awarded 83 million. They are playing us.
All the followers believe this is white hats when it is the deep state letting you twist in the wind.
I try to tell him maybe you guys can help me out.
The DS absolutely was looking at the drops, and probably still are, some messages were for them and Q told us several times things like this: 'message not for anons'
'others are here'
'we can hear you breathing' to LDR
How much or if this is part of the movie, guess we'll find out. Good for your husband... practicing critical thinking!
Thank you.