Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
My old fren that admits he's communist and proud of it, tells me "real communism is for limited govt" When I look at the communist theory, it seems to suggest that it's about limited govt. In practice, when they implemented communism it was exactly the opposite of communism right?
Here's one way to view the communist theory, the purpose of which is to separate man from God and enslave humanity:
It promotes a false view of God (God does not exist) and the universe (the universe is only material)
It promotes a false view of religion (religion is the opiate of the people, and has the purpose of enslaving people)
It promotes a false view of the root cause of human suffering (the cause of human suffering is alienation from the products (materials) that we make
It promotes a false view of the mechanics of development and progress (development and progress occur via conflict)
Communist theory needs to be countered by the truth:
One, God exists and the universe has dual aspects of material and spiritual dimensions.
Two, the true purpose of religion is to introduce and spread the truth about God, humanity and the purpose for which we are created (this is God's purpose for religions, notwithstanding the corruption and hijacking of religion for evil purposes that the Devil constantly seeks to do)(note: religion is like a school education: the goal is to eventually graduate from religion, by re-establishing our relationship with God)
Three, the cause of human suffering is twofold: separation from love, aka separation from God and separation from each other
Four, all development and progress take place via reciprocal cooperation centering on a common purpose, where two parties (subject and object) cooperate centering on a unified purpose. Eg. Teachers + pupils = a class. both share the same purpose: disseminating information and education of pupils by the teacher
The root problem of communism is that it is an ideology based on lies. The rest is all window dressing, the purpose of which is to mislead and enslave the unaware.
The only true effective counter to communist theory, which dresses itself as 'scientific' (the first instance of 'trust the science'!) is to develop and promote sound, empirically supported logical arguments for the above four points.
Part of the problem is that many of our theological positions are based on an old, less-than clear, less-than logical perspective. At some point, we need to rise to a level of understanding that unifies the scientific approach (logical, empirical) with the spiritual approach (transcendent truth).
Possible? Just as Jesus came to reveal a new level of understanding of truth upgrading the truth revealed to Moses, so the world needs another upgrading, which is what the second coming is all about, imo.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face..."
Interesting. Well he certainly is an atheist, no wonder he is a commie.
No matter what they claim on theory, limited government is never compatible with communism, because who is going to enforce the "equitability" by snooping on every citizen and every transaction to make sure it adheres to their beliefs?
This is what happened in Soviet union and they ended up with thousands and thousands of commissars and other agents.
Thank you for that lesson. I'm going to see what he says about it.
Honestly, the reason why were have suffered through the last 4 years is so we dont need to debate this anymore in theoratical realm, but rather let people watch it all unfold in practise and a get a taste.
Those who are still asleep this extent, make that choice intentionally, and are probably part of the 4-6% that are lost for ever.
Share this with him (and no, I don’t think your friends with a dumb person).