The city of Seattle: Seattle mayor confirms hiring freeze as city faces nearly quarter-billion deficit.
Also, the city of Seattle: Crime Pays: Seattle Pays 2020 BLM Rioters $10 Million Over 'Excessive Force' Claims
It isn't just Seattle paying BLM. It is also the cities of New York, Philadelphia, and Denver. The Zero Hedge article ends with some choice words from Elon Musk.
There is stupidity, and there is humongous stupidity. The stupidity in Seattle is humongous.
Their funding dried up so they are attempting to fund their riots through the courts.
That is pretty much it. The only reason for a riot is if Orange Man Bad gets back in.
I think this is less stupidity and more along the lines of funneling money to BLM to prep for more riots. Either that or new money laundering avenues.
The stupidity isn't just in Seattle. The absurdity has reached size 666 clown shoes in recent days, and it just gets more and more absurd as the days creep. The hilarious part is, they think we're stupidly buying into all of this and continue on with this wackadoodle bullshit! My neck hurts from the constant shaking back and forth.