very, very accomplished man in his later years. we started in on how things are going and he's a talk radio guy. hits all of the big stuff- covid was planned, jab is killing people, cloward-piven (he's an old school commie hater), the mil-industrial complex. and his wife is a big RINO hunter.
don't get too hyper-focused on the propaganda frens and anons, in the bigger picture we are winning and people are now seeing the evil in the world.
You all are lucky bastards…I’m surrounded by sleeping people. Had one person awake in my fren group who was married. She divorced him. Trying to support her but feeling conflicted that I lost a 🐸
Majestic Messages of Disclosure
Relationships will fracture during the Great Awakening.
Holy shit. Ive never seen that document before … and I have been active in the Awakening for a long time. Whoa.
Some interesting stuff.
Use the search icon initially for specific “topics” such as Vatican, Rothschild, religion, Christianity, Jesus - it’s NOT for the faint of heart especially “hardcore” Christians.
Its also a very long redundant reading material - took me close to 3 weeks to finish reading it the first time, and still trying trying to grasp the concepts of the really esoteric concepts such as the power of 3,6,9; numerology, sacred symbols.
The others are heartbreaking especially what happens to trafficked children - Q post #142 “The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.”
This is Satanic as all get out. Rothschild psyop material. Hur dur the Vatican. How many times does it name the court Jews?