I was recently fighting a court case which ended in a draw - A contractor replaced a roof on my property with old materials from another job. He wouldn't let me inspect it before final payment and locked me out of the worksite and proceeded to file a lawsuit against me. I ended up drawing the case - I didn't get a refund, but didn't have to pay the remainder of the cost.
This was terribly disappointing. Our legal system here literally allows these type of people to survive. I can't help but wonder what would have happened had my case been in Texas.
This brings me great sadness - I'm a proud Canadian. My parents immigrated here to get away from commie shithole China and I grew up learning both official languages, voting conservative, and being the best person I possibly can be. But we are letting in all these worthless immigrants who pay no taxes, are keeping a government in power that is communist, while we watch our best and brightest immigrate to the US.
Jordan Peterson just lost his case on compelled speech. We stamped out the trucker convoy with brutality and absurdity never-before-seen in this lovely land.
Are we hopeless? Are we a lost country? Will we have a better tomorrow?
Brother, it's bad here, but far from hopeless. People all around me have been asleep for years and years, but more and more are waking up. What does that do? It brings us closer and closer to critical mass. The sheep are no longer content with what they've been fed. Right now, they're confused and wondering, "why am I so unhappy?" "why are we all having a harder and harder time at just getting by?" The veneer is peeling off the furniture and they're seeing it's not solid wood but sawdust and glue. They're realizing they've been sold a bunch of lies and soon they will turn against the liars. Keep on getting your friends and neighbours to ask themselves those questions they need to ask. The dawn is almost here. Time for a Great Awakening.