I live a town over or so and this business has the best electronic sign!!! Totally on our page!!! The first time I saw it I had to pull over and watch it play thru the whole display!!!
Totally concur... I actually think this is a red state but the cheating makes the Twin Cities, Duluth and maybe Rochester blue... There is no way Ilhan Omar is legitimately elected... the district lines for her make no sense but also there is no way she won legally...
I would agree. There's even a few in NE Minneapolis where I'm at, but we are very, very outnumbered. Weird brand of liberal in my area, extremely low info. No frothing at the mouth, just an intense amount of ignorance.
I live a town over or so and this business has the best electronic sign!!! Totally on our page!!! The first time I saw it I had to pull over and watch it play thru the whole display!!!
I used to live in the metro- where? I’d like to let my friends know!!
West of the cities out on 12...
Thanks. I had to look it up... We never lived in that section and I was unfamiliar with 12.
I say that there are a lot of based Minnesotans one you get out of Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Totally concur... I actually think this is a red state but the cheating makes the Twin Cities, Duluth and maybe Rochester blue... There is no way Ilhan Omar is legitimately elected... the district lines for her make no sense but also there is no way she won legally...
Well, like that one meme points out, there are not blue states, only blue cities.
I would agree. There's even a few in NE Minneapolis where I'm at, but we are very, very outnumbered. Weird brand of liberal in my area, extremely low info. No frothing at the mouth, just an intense amount of ignorance.
Oh, this is good. LOL.
whoever did this, we should buy a cup of coffee.
There are no blue states (maybe HI) there are only blue slum cities like NY, LA, SF. and the always obvious example of gun control=Chicago.
I am totally technically challenged and would like to add a pic or two I have of the sign... how do I do that?!?!?