I wrote a summary for you if you don't want to watch the videos as its a couple hours of videos. I hope you can get the jist of what the videos are about. Its a pretty interesting concept what he has given us. If you're interested in these things subscribe to his channel as this will be continuing in the future, he also has other Bible digs on his channel.
First Video
This video explains the reasoning behind his study, he links the throne of Rev 4 to the Northern lights or Aurora Borealis. He also links the 4 living creatures to constellations, also the 24 elders to the 24 time zones around Earth and their crowns to Eclipses happening.
First Seal
First seal is a rider with a bow going out to conquer, he attributes to Eclipses in Aquila/Sagitarius on 26th Dec 2019 near Wuhan, China. Which of course is the start of covid
Second Seal- Rev 6
Second seal is a red horse going out to take peace from the Earth, he attributes this to an eclipse over Argentina on 14th Dec 2020, the day the electoral college gave biden the win in the '20 election. Dominion was an Argentinian company that helped steal the election. Also that day the first "vaccines were administered"
Third Seal- Rev 6:5
Third seal is a black horse going out with scales or yoke (he uses the Greek Concordance to find the word 'zygos' can mean either). He attributes to eclipses in Taurus on the 10th of June 2021 covering America and Britain. On this day was the G7 summit that yoked America and Britain together to fulfil the globalist agenda, signing the New Atlantic charter.
This Bible ref is a bit different as it says in Rev 6:6, "in the midst of the four creatures... a quart of wheat for a denarius...three quarts of barley for a denarius". This is different to the previous two as they are definite days whereas this one says 'in the midst' possibly meaning during the period of the seals being broken. He then shows at the time of the first seal/eclipse and during prices of wheat and barley rose.
Seal Four- Rev 6:7
Fourth seal is a pale horse (green like a dead body)… death and hades followed... given to kill a fourth of the world with the sword or hunger and death. He is not sure about this one as he has two candidates for this seal eclipse.
Following the eclipses it is either Oct 22nd 2022 (only significant event connected was the release of 'died suddenly' documentary) or Oct 14th 2023 (which is a weekm after the hamas attack on Israel.) This one is not a perfect match or we're waiting for another eclipse in the future.
You're welcome fren