Trouble getting to the site? Here's some alternatives:
Housekeeping 🫡
You can sign in with your GA.W username/password at:
You can view GA.W at:
Copy the above and save it to a file (or bookmark them) so you can always access GA.W!!
For those that use their phone to access this site, there is an app option on the right hand side of the site. Once it is downloaded, it will have President Trumps face on it. put it on your home screen and you are good to go
Thanks for the info, didn’t know we had an app!
I don't see it. What does it look like?
Me neither. 🤷
go to site settings (which will be in the browser you are using). There is an option for an app that is a direct link to this site.
You ROCK! 👏
An app? I just saved the page to my home screen.