I need prayer and sound medical advice.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I have never smoked, I took my last alcoholic drink in 1979, I swam laps 4 or 5 times a week and swam in master’s competition for the last 42 years, and I have NEVER taken the Covid vaccine. Yet , yesterday, I had a heart catheterization, my 4th test in a sequence, that showed damage all around my heart with blockage in all 5 valves. The next thing the doctors want to do is operate and I have an appointment with Cleveland Clinic’’s best cardio surgeon on the 13th. I need prayers from all my brothers and sisters in Christ and I need good alternative medical advice from someone in the know.
I know this may not be the response you want but have you been around vaxxed people in the last 3 years?
I say this because my middle son did as I asked and did not get the jab. Unfortunately his wife works in the medical industry and had to get it to keep her job 3 years ago.
In the last month he has had numerous heart issues which now resulted in an ablation last week. There are no heart issues in our family other than high cholesterol and high BP for me.
If you are married and your wife got vaxxed it could be the result of your issues.
In the meantime my prayers are with you 100%!
I recommend you do some research on Dr Robert Malone, Dr Sherry Tennpenny, Karen Kingston, they all have substacks, redit, and all that. For all of these and more you can just go to USA Watchdog website. His interviews are all there with these same people and more. Also pursue website of America's Frontline Doctors. The reason I say this is that you will learn that the Vaxed do shed spike proteins, and possibly nonobots with the u nvaxed. Hence, use the protocols they share as they all recommend the same general protocol to remedy. As said in other comments, Jesus is our ultimate source of healing, so keep your faith strong and your body will become the same. God bless my friend.