Any crime perpetrated, deport them immediately; until DJT takes office, and then they will all go. Any crime should void everything immediately: no benefits (housing, driving, work, health, education) for them or any family members associated with them. Also they lose the right to an attorney to plea for their “asylum”. Any Congress member who deems crime okay for illegals and citizens should be removed from office. We have laws for a reason. Only when they are on the receiving end, then it will matter.
Any crime perpetrated, deport them immediately; until DJT takes office, and then they will all go. Any crime should void everything immediately: no benefits (housing, driving, work, health, education) for them or any family members associated with them. Also they lose the right to an attorney to plea for their “asylum”. Any Congress member who deems crime okay for illegals and citizens should be removed from office. We have laws for a reason. Only when they are on the receiving end, then it will matter.
You would think but that wouldn't usher in the destruction of America