In the former, the murderers (In CCP China) were executed. In the latter (in the USA), the murder was 'jailed for life' but in reality the judge ordered him to "serve a minimum term of 15 years".
I strongly believe in forgiveness, repentance and compassion, but there has to also be accountability.
That the builder could murder the woman, leave her for dead, and then nonchalantly go about other business shows a coldness and total disregard for human life.
The western world needs to reintroduce the death penalty. Some crimes are not for humans to forgive, but for God to forgive.
Romans 13:4 But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. ( The way it's suppose to be)
Unrelated: Scroll down the page to see two very contrasting stories:
China executes couple who threw two children to deaths from 15th-floor apartment
Builder who murdered customer at her home led church service after killing her
In the former, the murderers (In CCP China) were executed. In the latter (in the USA), the murder was 'jailed for life' but in reality the judge ordered him to "serve a minimum term of 15 years".
I strongly believe in forgiveness, repentance and compassion, but there has to also be accountability.
That the builder could murder the woman, leave her for dead, and then nonchalantly go about other business shows a coldness and total disregard for human life.
The western world needs to reintroduce the death penalty. Some crimes are not for humans to forgive, but for God to forgive.
Romans 13:4 But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. ( The way it's suppose to be)