I was raised in a family without a father and in my youth I was a ASS HOLE, until I got a beating of my life (Texas Justice) the problem in these neighborhoods is the lack of REAL MEN standing up and taking care of the neighborhoods even if it meant having 24/7 volunteers roaming the streets guarding them. One other point, You as a society want to stop crime immediately Try Caning
The offender shall receive no more than 24 strokes of the cane on any one occasion, irrespective of the total number of offences committed.
I was raised in a family without a father and in my youth I was a ASS HOLE, until I got a beating of my life (Texas Justice) the problem in these neighborhoods is the lack of REAL MEN standing up and taking care of the neighborhoods even if it meant having 24/7 volunteers roaming the streets guarding them. One other point, You as a society want to stop crime immediately Try Caning The offender shall receive no more than 24 strokes of the cane on any one occasion, irrespective of the total number of offences committed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_in_Singapore#:~:text=A%20male%20offender%20between%20the,total%20number%20of%20offences%20committed.