Some people argue that these elite got saline injections while appearing to be transfected. " I' ve got Covid. Glad there is a vaxx. - standard response.
This would satisfy the theater/ optics thing.
However, it is interesting to note that the British royal family plays an important role in the shenenigans, and I remember Trumps trip to the UK. It seems to indicate they subjected themselves.
This would then allow the question: did they step out of line? If so, what then happens? From a DS point of view, punishment for stepping out of line would be meted out.
The Morgan Case, referenced in this post: to TheTruthSetsUsFree, shows that stepping out of line leads to death sentence. I got two confirmations, both from separate sources, that such highlevel people, like royal heads of state, do maintain their function but have to give up their position when entering into the masonic world.
It would then not be a farfetched supposition to consider this particular vaxx as an execution.
Would it be in the capability of the secret group behind Q to put on trial someone who flagrantly impeded the national security of the US and is accused of trafficking etc?
This is a document discussing the issue of assassination as a means of foreign policy. In the case of Solemeini we have already seen Trump is no stranger to impose the death sentence and execute it.
This was rather a public display, that could not be contained, or was not meant to be contained. However, what if you wished to keep it a secret, knowing the playbook?
All you have to make sure of is that the saline is replaced by a reserved special version for this family.
Is this beyond probability?
Think: Bush SR.
Think: Noname.
Both executed. Anons know, because we were told it would happen. In the case of foreign heads of state .....will remain classified (not all). So, how do you keep it a secret, while executing right under their noses?
What purpose would that serve? Principally to keep the balance, and not let this world descent into a chaos that would cause much more suffering.
Again, I am not saying this is the all end all. I am pointing towards a possible/ probable scenario that could be playing out, right before our very eyes.
I have been thinking about this.
Some people argue that these elite got saline injections while appearing to be transfected. " I' ve got Covid. Glad there is a vaxx. - standard response.
This would satisfy the theater/ optics thing.
However, it is interesting to note that the British royal family plays an important role in the shenenigans, and I remember Trumps trip to the UK. It seems to indicate they subjected themselves.
This would then allow the question: did they step out of line? If so, what then happens? From a DS point of view, punishment for stepping out of line would be meted out.
The Morgan Case, referenced in this post: ht to TheTruthSetsUsFree, shows that stepping out of line leads to death sentence. I got two confirmations, both from separate sources, that such highlevel people, like royal heads of state, do maintain their function but have to give up their position when entering into the masonic world.
It would then not be a farfetched supposition to consider this particular vaxx as an execution.
However, there is another angle.
Would it be in the capability of the secret group behind Q to put on trial someone who flagrantly impeded the national security of the US and is accused of trafficking etc?
This is a document discussing the issue of assassination as a means of foreign policy. In the case of Solemeini we have already seen Trump is no stranger to impose the death sentence and execute it.
This was rather a public display, that could not be contained, or was not meant to be contained. However, what if you wished to keep it a secret, knowing the playbook?
All you have to make sure of is that the saline is replaced by a reserved special version for this family.
Is this beyond probability?
Think: Bush SR.
Think: Noname.
Both executed. Anons know, because we were told it would happen. In the case of foreign heads of state .....will remain classified (not all). So, how do you keep it a secret, while executing right under their noses?
What purpose would that serve? Principally to keep the balance, and not let this world descent into a chaos that would cause much more suffering.
Again, I am not saying this is the all end all. I am pointing towards a possible/ probable scenario that could be playing out, right before our very eyes.