So, was Hitler /goodguy/ through and through, comp'd at some point, or just doing some patriot shit along the way while he plotted much evil on behalf of Rome? Is my next question
I am always prepared to have mine taken down as well. Im not sure if my post is still up. I cant find it in the feed, and it stopped getting new commenta or likes. Its funny how on a platform called the great awakening, on some subjects they want us to ignore and hit the snooze button. I think like most things, GAW has been infiltrated and controlled.
So, was Hitler /goodguy/ through and through, comp'd at some point, or just doing some patriot shit along the way while he plotted much evil on behalf of Rome? Is my next question
See what Bro Nathanael has to say about H's rising popularity. I posted the vid but it was taken down.
It was actually taken down
Not surprised, makes me wonder who is running this.
I posted A Bro Nathanael about how H was becoming more popular and it only lasted long enough to get 26 upvotes.
Things that make me go hmmm...
I am always prepared to have mine taken down as well. Im not sure if my post is still up. I cant find it in the feed, and it stopped getting new commenta or likes. Its funny how on a platform called the great awakening, on some subjects they want us to ignore and hit the snooze button. I think like most things, GAW has been infiltrated and controlled.