posted ago by Island_Photo ago by Island_Photo +18 / -0

This seems to work" Steve said quietly.

How many strands fit inside" Maggie Asked.

Anywhere from three to ten."

And how long is the overall package?"

Six microns. Would you believe it? The packaging is white in color, and in a water spreay environment, it's just about invisible....


The company had invented the technology working on a NIH grant designed yo develop an easier way than needles to deliver vaccines.


Tough luck, Chester, but it's a tough world out there, Steve thought, going back to his notes. Chester's early response to the virus had been a little unsettling--only half the time programmed--but it had been brought on by his grossly reduced liver function. It couldn't be helped. Some people would get hit sooner than others because of differing physical vulnerabilities. So the outbreak would start unevenly. It shouldn't matter in the eventual effects, though it would alert people sooner than he hoped it would. This would cause a run on vaccines Steve Berg and his shop were developing. "A" would be widely distributed after the rush to manufacture it. "B" would be more closely held, assuming that he and his team could indeed get it ready for use. "A" would go out to everybody, while "B" would go only to those people who were supposed to survive..."