The report from those venerable British institutions like the National Trust and RSPB simply recommended that everyone in the UK should live within 15 mins of a green space. That's our right.
Yes, we fucking should. The Telegraph hacks all do. So should we all.
What it really means, is that summer home you have in the country? Yeah, you're gonna have to give that to an immigrant family from Somalia, so they have ez-access to green spaces. Oh, and you gotta pay their utilities too.
Of course. I've got a Royal Park, a recreation ground and at least three public squares within 15 mins walk. I'm hardly going to garden them all myself.
That Telegraph article is bollocks though.
The report from those venerable British institutions like the National Trust and RSPB simply recommended that everyone in the UK should live within 15 mins of a green space. That's our right.
Yes, we fucking should. The Telegraph hacks all do. So should we all.
What it really means, is that summer home you have in the country? Yeah, you're gonna have to give that to an immigrant family from Somalia, so they have ez-access to green spaces. Oh, and you gotta pay their utilities too.
Of course. I've got a Royal Park, a recreation ground and at least three public squares within 15 mins walk. I'm hardly going to garden them all myself.