If I were to take a wild guess, they still think they are watching news when they turn on Fox News or pick up a Wall Street Journal.
As we all know, there is No Such thing as News on TV.
Many "conservatives" live in their safe little bubble of not wanting to know the truth because that would mean they actually have to think for themselves and not be spoon fed.
These same "conservatives" took the shot and boosters because they were told to. They followed their propaganda orders just like the lefties.
Only those willing to swim against the current, only those willing to think and discern, only this type of person can actually see the truth because they are willing to trust themselves to use their minds to figure things out.
We are all at war. We are all soldiers. The 5th Gen war we are fighting is real. It's global. It's massive. It includes real deaths, too many to count. It's a battle for the minds. The Awakened must win. God Willing, We Will Win.
Well said
I thought the interview was great. I liked that it required actual brain cells to listen.
THE USA is the most PROPAGANDIZED population in the world!
I sadly disagree with Mr Kennedy.
Conservatives I know deeply hate Russia and Putin. They consider me somewhere between delusional and treasonous for pointing out their folly.
These aren't true conservatives.
If I were to take a wild guess, they still think they are watching news when they turn on Fox News or pick up a Wall Street Journal.
As we all know, there is No Such thing as News on TV.
Many "conservatives" live in their safe little bubble of not wanting to know the truth because that would mean they actually have to think for themselves and not be spoon fed.
These same "conservatives" took the shot and boosters because they were told to. They followed their propaganda orders just like the lefties.
Only those willing to swim against the current, only those willing to think and discern, only this type of person can actually see the truth because they are willing to trust themselves to use their minds to figure things out.
We are all at war. We are all soldiers. The 5th Gen war we are fighting is real. It's global. It's massive. It includes real deaths, too many to count. It's a battle for the minds. The Awakened must win. God Willing, We Will Win.
X post, Nitter
Some of us are much brighter than the elite. Also, we are more likely to stand on our values. Never looked for MSM to inform me.