elwiptx 9 points ago +9 / -0

.04% of the atmosphere - and everytime a volcano goes off.....all the carbon credits are blasted into oblivion......climate changes....idiots.

elwiptx 3 points ago +3 / -0

kick the dead crook...of course....there is no way SJL was OVERSEEING the Secret Service......a Texas D Rep.......overseeing The USSS in Butler PA????? What window licking moron would believe that?

elwiptx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Devasted huh? KH does not have a snowball chance in hell of defeating the other candidate - assuming the "election" is not rigged to the same degree as in the past.....

Awareness of the fuckery has Grown in the last 4 years.....


elwiptx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kamala might be an anchor baby, however she was born in the US and she IS eligible to be POTUS.....

US Constitution says 3 qualifications to be POTUS; 35 years old or older Natural Born Citizen - which is not defined by the constitution clearly. Lived in US for at least 14 years.

The CURRENT constitution is not valid - anything after 1871 is gone!

The real Kamala Iyer Harris - Jamaican Indian Caucasion person.......is no longer alive -

this is all a show people......get the popcorn and enjoy.

elwiptx 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anderson Coopers brother has no eggs.

elwiptx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please stop saying "BIDEN"......the man has been dead for years. The puppeteers are the oligarchs and the bosses of the 3 letter agencies - the military industrial POLITICAL complex........The Club of Rome - the Committee of 300.....13 Ptolemaic families

elwiptx 14 points ago +14 / -0

in 1830 13.7% of negro's (3,776) were free. They owned 12,907 slaves of the 2 million slaves owned in the US.

elwiptx 1 point ago +1 / -0

The cartel hit the children of Border Agents and the POPO knew it was the cartel. It's very rare to have an actual lone shooter open fire on kids.

elwiptx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Radio Waves ARE Electromagnetic Radiation.

elwiptx 1 point ago +1 / -0

research for yourself......the book "The Invisible Rainbow" is a good start.

elwiptx 2 points ago +2 / -0

fear pushes us towards the precipice. solar event approaches

elwiptx 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Deists who founded the country chose JULY 4th because it is APHELION most years.....the day that the Earth is Farthest from the Sun.

2024 Aphelion is 6 minutes into July 5th at 94,510,539 miles from Sun Perihelion was Jan 2 at 91,404,095 miles from Sun.

July 4th 2030 is the next time Aphelion is July 4th.....

elwiptx 1 point ago +1 / -0

CRISPR gene editing on CAS9 - gain of function tech done at BIOLABS.....Gene Therapy is what the MRNA pricks contained. An Attack on your immune system until you die. Zombie Apocalypse seeding.

Biolabs - Detrick and U of NC.....in England in Israel and in UKRAINE and other places.....

Every military valuable is stored deep underground in this realm.

Extra-terrestrial literally means MORE LAND - not space alien.

The realm we are - GLOBE.......like gifts to children in the past at Christmas.

Goy-EEM - indeed.

We must help ourselves before we are able to "level up" - The teachings of CHRIST, when our consciousness align with the teachings - THAT is the 2nd Coming people.......Give up anger. Its a punishment you give to yourself.

All ya need is LOVE - ba da da duh duhhhhhh

elwiptx -2 points ago +4 / -6

investment gains are not taxed - INCOME is taxed. THAT is the key difference. I suggest you get "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki

elwiptx 3 points ago +3 / -0

the published size of the COVID virus is 70-140 nanometers. the N95 mask is rated at 95% retention of 300 nanometer particles. Hello! It's about CONTROL - not a virus.
its about spreading FEAR - not sound science.

elwiptx 3 points ago +4 / -1

The pledge they must sign - loyalty to ISRAEL - they are blackmailed, and extorted by the Satanic Cult. Why do you think so many celebrities fake death to avoid being a part of the SRA?

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