56 Another Arkancide? Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s Former Staffer Who Leaked Her Controversial Audio Dies of a Drug Overdose (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by brain_dead 1 year ago by brain_dead +56 / -0 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I think so.
Cankles has entered the chat: "Do you think we would miss that one?"
I HATE that bitch with every fiber of my being. She can take her evil ass back to NYC.
Yes. I agree.
I would rather the staffer be in witness protection... otherwise, agree wholeheartedly with everyone's opinion of Sheila Jackson Lee
Yes. Agree.
Sending a firm message to all potential leaks...I guess Seth Rich's death was too far in the past. The swamp creatures must keep up the pressure.... otherwise eeeek...gitmo spa time 🐸
Yes. All of them need to go to Gitmo.