I wonder if there was anything other than the territorial information he was talking about, in the folder. It was rather ceremoniously presented, don’t you think? Files on the election? Killary’ s e-mails?
Also, wouldn’t it be cool if this interview was actually one of two, and number two airs without fan fair, so the MSM/DS couldn’t retaliate?
Just thoughts.
If tucker was actually cia, pooty would have called him out, as we saw
He worked for CNN for years, which we now know was a CIA network. So I have questions. Father was CIA too.
I'm not sure he would. Did you see Tucker's expression when Putin said that? He may not be CIA but the Agency is well known for infiltration. I think Putin is testing Tucker with that folder he gave him just to see if Tucker would expose it. I mean, why would Putin give him a history of Russia? We all know from research that parts of Ukraine were Russia to begin with. Time will tell!
Good thoughts. Let's see what happens!