233 Like clockwork. Calls to dump Biden at the convention and run Gavin Newsom. (www.dailymail.co.uk) 🤡 Clown World 🌎 posted 1 year ago by ILoveIvermectin 1 year ago by ILoveIvermectin +233 / -0 Democrat insiders say it is now 'panic time' after Joe Biden gaffes Some Democrats want to unseat the 81-year-old president as the Democrat nominee at the party's convention in Chicago in August. 53 comments share 53 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Governor dumbfuck
2.1 million signature to remove him (by comparison, 9 million voting)
Over a million people have left California.
California has the lowest literacy rating of all 50 states.
California is the 6th richest state in the US
California is $145.03 billion in debt
Governor dumbfuck's campaign will start from underwater.
Newscum is why we are now Montana residents.