This bit of info seemed to slip right pass the board. Maybe there's more to come from Tucker's trip to Moscow than a 900-years of Russian History lesson.
No, high school world history. I think I remember that the French finally drove them out. I'll have to look it up because high school was a long time ago for me. ;)
This bit of info seemed to slip right pass the board. Maybe there's more to come from Tucker's trip to Moscow than a 900-years of Russian History lesson.
I noticed that he didn't mention the Vikings kicking the Rus' ass.
Cause historicaly it didn't happen like that, that TV show Vikings lacks lots of historical fact.
No, high school world history. I think I remember that the French finally drove them out. I'll have to look it up because high school was a long time ago for me. ;)
Normandy was founded by the Vikings----the French gave them the land if I remember my history class of 55 years ago! Kek