I remember when the power went out during the Super Bowl years back, and it got me thinking. The Hoover Dam is right up the road from Las Vegas. With so much security at the Super Bowl, I hope there is equally as much at the Hoover Dam. If there was EVER a watch the water moment.... I hope they are really watching the Hoover Dam closely, because that would be a real problem if something ever happened to it.
I hope I am just being paranoid, but this is a hell of an upside down world right now.
Interesting "Watch the water". One thing is unfortunately a sure thing. The human trafficking numbers will go through the roof in Las Vegas over this weekend. It happens at the Superbowl cities every year. The numbers are shocking. Knowing this makes me suspicious of the political leaders that host the Superbowl multiple times. The way the media covers this up makes it possible for them to not know the first time, but after that, I say that they're complicit.
Just thought about the movie, Evan Almighty. Burst dam. Ark ending up in DC stopping a major piece of legislation... Corruption exposed.
They’re already touting the Super Bowl will be powered by solar panels. Ridiculous “green” narrative again