I remember when the power went out during the Super Bowl years back, and it got me thinking. The Hoover Dam is right up the road from Las Vegas. With so much security at the Super Bowl, I hope there is equally as much at the Hoover Dam. If there was EVER a watch the water moment.... I hope they are really watching the Hoover Dam closely, because that would be a real problem if something ever happened to it.
I hope I am just being paranoid, but this is a hell of an upside down world right now.
As I recall in 2003, my company had a booth at a fairly large trade show in Vegas. After the show, we crated our booth and loaded it in a U-Haul box van and I was going to drive it back Houston. I chose to go over the Hoover Dam as my route back. As I approached the dam, I was stopped at a check point. They said if I wanted to cross the dam, I would have to empty everything out of the back of the truck for a complete inspection, if not I could simply turn around and find another route. Based on my experience 20 years ago, the Dam seemed to be an area of concern back then. I would assume that may still may be the case today.