191 A JuliansRum thought: Biden doesn’t have dementia and never did. He acted that way to cover for his eventual exit and protection from prosecution. Meanwhile, his masters enacted all their policies through him. 'Would fit his M.O. and allow the DS to make fools of everyone else, would it not? (nitter.rawbit.ninja) posted 358 days ago by ilovetrump4 358 days ago by ilovetrump4 +194 / -3 JuliansRum (@ItsJuliansRum) Here’s a thought:Biden doesn’t have dementia and never did. He acted that way to cover for his eventual exit and protection from prosecution. Meanwhile, his masters enacted all their policies through him. 52 comments share 52 comments share save hide report block hide replies
three magic words will mark the end to bidens run... "Who is Hunter?"