I love film. Always have. Always wanted to work in film, but the last several years have opened my eyes and soured me to the industry. Freaks, child abusers and demonic filth are obviously rampant, and that's not even bringing into account the complete lack of talent that permeates what they put out nowadays.
So my question is, when this is all over, when the globalists are eradicated or rotting in cells, hopefully in one of the d.u.m.b.s they like to use, what do we do with not only film, but entertainment in general?
Sure there's based folk like Roseanne and James Woods, Mad Mel and Vince Vaugn, but it seems that for everyone who is awesome, there is a thousand lunatics and monsters out there.
Even if it's just the top brass who go down for their evils worship, there will still be crazies trying to force their lunacy into everything. So what can we do?
I know this isn't really the main topic of GA, but God help I can't get over my love for movies, and still hope that one day, they can be good again.
But what do you guys think? Can it be saved in any way?
One law is good at keeping stability. Human nature being good and evil will never change while humans still exist.
When that actor shoots a woman and gets away with it, while that store owner shoots a thug trying to rob him with a weapon and the store owner goes to prison.
When a singer becomes a Knight and molested children while the single parent is forced to allow their child to get a sex change.
We call it balance, but it is not balance. It is the opposite. Evil will never be content and never want balance. It only wants more and more. Laws deter evil. Free people that understand the law keep evil people in check by consequences.
Our Western Cutlure is all messed up as a society. We have people that believes while in public they are the rulers over others and these same people lick the boots of Law Enforcement in which they break the Laws of this land and are really Feeling Enforcement Officers-FEO’s not LEO’s. If you question this then they are victimized.
When parents are willing to sacrifice their children and call it good, we have turned darkness into light.
I still do not think we have even started the valley in the USA. How long we stay in the valley will be determined by how fast our society demands justice… in the USA each citizen has rights that we have lost by feelings enforcement officers. ;)