There should be stipulations to account for every penny already sent, before any more is sent on a worthless cause. Russia has already won, no amount of money given to Ukraine will change that. Why are we subsidizing Ukranian Nazis? Is it to bring them to the U.S. and set them up in a nice home all expenses paid, so they can join the Nazis already in our government? You really didn’t think all of the Nazis were killed post WWII did you? They went to S. America, Antarctica, and the U.S. to name a few countries. And yes, some went to Britain, Ukraine, maybe even Russia.
Agreed. It’s just a slush fund for blacks-ops and to line the pockets of all those who obediently voted in support of the bill. All aid to foreign countries should stop.
There should be stipulations to account for every penny already sent, before any more is sent on a worthless cause. Russia has already won, no amount of money given to Ukraine will change that. Why are we subsidizing Ukranian Nazis? Is it to bring them to the U.S. and set them up in a nice home all expenses paid, so they can join the Nazis already in our government? You really didn’t think all of the Nazis were killed post WWII did you? They went to S. America, Antarctica, and the U.S. to name a few countries. And yes, some went to Britain, Ukraine, maybe even Russia.
Agreed. It’s just a slush fund for blacks-ops and to line the pockets of all those who obediently voted in support of the bill. All aid to foreign countries should stop.
All who voted for this abomination should have their, their families and close friends bank accounts reviewed thoroughly.
Yes and a thorough forensic accounting of all their accounts since the first load of American taxpayer money was sent!