I haven't seen anyone else mentioning this. Did you notice how Tucker Carlson's eyes were randomly flashing emotions of alarm, confrontation, gotcha etc? And I mean random.
Seriously, if a person was conversing with me in a friendly manner, and after completing a statement his eyes suddenly went wide in alarm, his eyebrows shot upwards, and his face took on a very adversarial look (all in response to his own statement, not mine) I'd wonder if he had full control of his own face.
Watch Tucker's eyes and tell me if his expressions seem appropriate for the moment.
We also don't know the room set up and who Putin had in the room behind him. Of course they were not alone in the room. And maybe Tucker heard a little more than we could and not everything translated. Maybe Tucker could see those expressions from those behind Putin that we couldn't see?
I know how he has animated facial expressions but some of those were out of line regarding context. So I figured ques were going on in the room aside from the interview