Some of the earliest records of a saros is by Chaldean, neo- Babylonian, astronomers. Their civilization ruled via a lunisolar calendar. The Babylonian civil calendar, also known as the cultic calendar. It was used in Mesopotamia from ~ 2000BC to the founding of the Seleucid Empire, 294BC. The lunisolar calendar origin can be traced back to the Sumerians. One of the oldest civilizations discovered.
Earliest historical records of the saros are pulled from the Suda, a Byzantine lexicon from the 11th century. Within the Suda it is quoted from Berossus, a Babylonian writer and a priest for Bel Marduk, that a saros, or saru in Babylonian vernacular, was 222 months by the Babylonians count. I assume the difference in today's standard of 223 months and Babylonians of 222 months is due to the ancients' use of different calendars, based on lunar months and their observational accuracy at the time.
Three saros cycles equates to what is called an exeligmos or Greek for ‘turning of the wheel. It’s another significant pattern and prediction method of eclipses. With every exeligmos, a solar and lunar eclipse of similar characteristics to the previous triple saros can be observed. Therefore, according to ancient metrics, a significant chronological event occurs every 666 months that could be tied to ancient rituals and sacrifices. The sundial on Epstein's island with what appears to be a sacrificial stone may allude to this.
Worship of Bel and the ‘dragon’ may have been prevalent in Babylon, according to the apocryphal chapters of the book of Daniel. In chapter 14, the story of Bel and the Dragon are told, demonstrating that open worship of dark idols was practiced.
The Hebrew calendar is also a lunisolar calendar that adopted some of the month's names from the Babylonian calendar during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. Likely significant with the advent of the Synagogue of Satan being exposed with agents like Epstein, the Rothschilds, and the recent tunnel incident under the Chabad world headquarters synagogue in NYC. Brought to light by an ‘ anonymous tip.’
A calendar is of critical importance to a society. Especially so for a society that does not exist in the conventional sense of a country with borders but as a clandestine cult, spread across the planet. Their rituals and machinations bound to an ancient metrology, they maintain congruence across the ages and empires via a shared timepiece that is so important for their culture that the potential ‘minute hand’ of said clock serves as one of their most prominent symbols.
The secret societies do have different calendars than the rest of society. Members can be identified by their recurring celebrations, if you know the stories and the dates.