"No interest and unlimited life" is the same as giving. We need a 100% no foreign aid policy. The U.S. is over 33 trillion in debt. The only way to lend out no interest loans is by printing more dollars, thus devaluing its value which cause prices to increase and keeps us treading water barely able to keep our noses above the surface. Meanwhile Bibi Netanyahu gets to launder money back to the military industrial complex for more kickbacks. Disappointed in you Trump. Bad. Give us a solid solution and not a pretend "tough on foreign aid" answer.
"No interest and unlimited life" is the same as giving. We need a 100% no foreign aid policy. The U.S. is over 33 trillion in debt. The only way to lend out no interest loans is by printing more dollars, thus devaluing its value which cause prices to increase and keeps us treading water barely able to keep our noses above the surface. Meanwhile Bibi Netanyahu gets to launder money back to the military industrial complex for more kickbacks. Disappointed in you Trump. Bad. Give us a solid solution and not a pretend "tough on foreign aid" answer.