Just a quick message for folks who might be on a Keto or Carnivore diet. Today I woke up with a screaming headache over my left temple and a nauseated stomach. I sat in my easy chair and began to remain calm while watching some sports on television. As the day progressed my symptoms never abated and the nausea remained constant. My wife got onto a Carnivore site and read an article about the Carnivore flu. Come to find out, a lowering of carbs in your diet can lead to headaches and upset stomach. Their solution was to increase carb intake. I said, hmmmm, "honey, can you go and get that Key Lime pie from the freezer and cut me off a slice?" She did and within 15 minutes my headache vanished and the nausea disappeared. About a year ago I was on the Keto diet and while shopping at a local hardware store I began experiencing the Keto flu, a overall crappy feeling that comes over you quickly. We headed to Sonic and I had a hamburger and a coke and the symptoms passed.
So, if your are on a Carivore or Keto diet and begin feeling like the precursor of vomiting is fixing to hit, your headache won't go away, and you cannot control your body temp. (hot-cold-hot-cold). Try adding a bit of sugar to get your body some needed carbs it might be yearning for. All it took for me was one thin slice of Key Lime Pie and it worked quickly. Remember that if your are in Ketosis on a Keto diet this might kick you out of Ketosis, but I say it's better to feel better rather than worrying about staying in Ketosis. Heck, you can always pick up the diet tomorrow and the damage from one slice of pie is not going to hurt your weight loss program.
For me, it was either do this or the possiblity of seeing a neurologist and having him try to fix the problem with medication. I'd rather chug down some sugar and have my symptoms go away than chugging mind altering prescription drugs which has the horrible side effects of suicidal thoughts. (been there, done that and it sucked!)
I'm not a doctor, just a regular Joe who has come across a possible solution and thought it might be helpful. If it does, GREAT, if you think it's way out in left field, no hard feeling on my part. Just trying to help folks who might be in the same boat.
God bless and have a great day!
My guess is that the sudden press for carnivore, which seems to almost all be from doctors, is organized and inorganic.
Plant based failed to get popularity, so they will push another unhealthy, extreme, diet.
The blog is saw it referenced on is down right now, but I remember seeing a study (don't remember if it was mice or humans), where the best diet for some biomarker for aging was average protein, average fat and above average carbs (which probably means sugar, since sugar is easy to up calorie intake with).
Georgi Dinkov and Ray Peat make some pretty compelling cases for sugar intake on youtube and in blogs. I am leaning pretty hard into raw honey right now myself.
It really does seem like the same thing in reverse. I grew up on a meat heavy diet but I've consistently done better on a vegan diet than I ever did eating normally. The idea that either extreme is necessary is nonsense. While I would strongly argue a diet without meat and dairy can be as if not more nutritious, I would agree that a plant based diet that simply cuts out meat and dairy without replacing them properly would be as short sighted as going full carnivore and wondering why you're getting new deficiencies and issues.
Meat eaters out live vegans. Vegans have a much higher risk for heart disease and die earlier at an average age of 68 much below the average meat/dairy consumer. The vitamins and minerals in vegetables are only being converted to useable form at a rate of about 10% so wasteful compared to meat where it’s as high as 99%. Most people get sick on a vegan diet, so few actually improve their health where as almost every person who eats carnivore goes from a place of un wellness to a place of wellness. Also carnivore cures farts, vegans stink and fart ALL the time. Farts are a sign of un wellness. You’re probably farting right now. Guaranteed that your bio/blood markers will improve on carnivore over the vegan diet. If you’re vegan you are guaranteed to have unnecessary health problems, make the switch to carnivore today! In 1919 seventh day Adventists, a vegetarian cult, wrote the nutritional guidelines that would be accepted by the Flexner report that would go on to be modern day nutritional science, which was based on propaganda from the 1900s. Before this report was published, it was widely known that an all beef diet would cure diabetes and all beef diets cure diabetes to this day but the propaganda remains so you wouldn’t know that. It takes 6 billion pounds of pesticides a year to provide vegetables to the world, these pesticides are more harmful than anything in the cattle industry. Vegans are bad for the environment, vegans are an unnecessary strain on our medical industry.
Well that's a lovely list of talking points but none of it holds up to scrutiny. Hundreds of studies show the opposite of what you're claiming yet you'll just dismiss them as fake because they don't say what you've decided is fact. And ultimately you're the one with a billion dollar globalist infested industry on your side pushing for the results they want. They don't want you eating vegan they want the people who do as they're told to stay healthy and alive. Everyone else they want dead (you) they'll tell to keep going to McDonalds or buying meat at the supermarket until they can replace it with cheap processed plants or bugs. It's never been about the diet, they want you sick either from mass produced meat or even cheaper options. Obviously they don't want you hunting but they also know the world can't be fed by hunting alone.
You're not going to convince people who know they're not getting sick and nobody they know is getting sick that their diet is unhealthy and guarantees negative side effects. Most people who eat this way do so because they feel much better than before and have less health problems. You sit here citing studies from the trillion dollar globalist food conglomerates and the same medical industry that pushed the jabs and expect me to believe that over lived experience and the testimony of those I've known over the years.
I can tell you're just repeating talking points because if you really thought about what you're saying you'd see how little sense it makes. You claim that eating a plant based diet is bad because of pesticides. Do you actually believe that the grain being fed to animals in farms is organic and not sprayed with pesticides? Do you really think grass fed meat can sustain this population with meat any more than on occasion? Instead of growing plant foods one time and eating them, your alternative involves countless millions MORE acres and countless millions of gallons MORE in pesticide just to grow the feed for the animals, plus on top of that all the shitty environmental effects of large scale farming (no, not CO2 I mean real problems like ground and water contamination) AND on top of all that, causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. It's no different morally than someone killing a dog because it gets them off. Purely a selfish choice, which is why you try SO damn hard and have to reach so far to justify it and make yourself feel like it's necessary.