Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only way that happens is if it's a ten day EMP. Anything bad enough to wipe computers clean would have LONG since wiped out the power grid, and that blackout would be for months if people are lucky.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't even want to think where my head would be at in the same situation. As hard as this is based on your attitude I think you'll figure things out.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the sheer volume of dust (among other things) that just doesn't seem right.

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice how he mentioned hundreds of press people, hinting at the fact that they sent extra staff knowing what was going to happen.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christians were doing that before anyone tried to hoard Christianity into one rigid, authoritarian, and deeply politically entangled church.
Nobody is going to deny that many, MANY good things have happened by and through the Catholic Church but that's because it's full of millions and millions of Christians, lots of good things will happen when you get that many of us into one group. It doesn't change the motivations and intent of those running the show. We see the same thing with how much good comes out of America and it's people despite it being ruled by criminal psychopaths.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't doubt for a second that the Catholic Church would be involved in exactly this sort of behavior.
But that doesn't mean the left actually cares. They just want a convenient excuse to burn down a. Church, and of course Church Inc. gives them one.
(To be clear I'm talking about the cross-denominational problem of corporatized fake church establishments, not just Catholics)

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the deal, there's only one way to experience true socialism in this country but many ways to sign up.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like he is in trouble for falsifying documents and not squatting by itself. If he had just said "Yep I'm a junkie and I live here now.", would anything have even happened?

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

This definitely has me leaning toward her being fully WH controlled. Gun control is not the winning issue it was for them 10 years ago.

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing wrong with a long distance shot 😂

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

Never trusted Loomer. I've always been content to take the good stories but not put too much weight on who conveniently got it first.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't care how many people who understand crypto try to reassure me, everything truly important should have paper or at least totally air gapped backups.
That said, if used responsibly, it absolutely can make a lot of records more secure and streamlined at the same time.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

Social anxiety and depression really blow in this case, because taking care of my mental health means staying away from other people. Comforting those around me means engaging with them, which means extreme psychological distress.
Guess I'll have to pack a lot of red pills into my workplace small talk, lol.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems plausible but they clearly do have someone playing Biden at the few public events they have. So who is that and why couldn't they just sit in front of a camera?

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

They don't really have any better options unless RFK Jr turns out to be their Trojan horse. 100% if these people have any real power left and want to actually have a chance at getting close enough to winning to fraud their way across the finish line, they'll try and use RFK Jr (if he's dirty enough to let them)

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very interesting... This would have been considered a no-no in the mainstream Democrat party back in 2020 because they were all pushing Biden and his fitness for office so hard. They could easily have just put 2028. From a quick search the show takes place in 2033.

Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

My brain can barely even deal with how spicy that would be.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks from where I'm standing like the Democrat Party machine is still running independently to some extent, but the Biden Administration itself was/is full of people leveraged by WHs or flat out deep cover WHs, though likely not exclusively. I'm sure we have people in that machine as well but I'm not so sure we have full control over their every move.
My point being it seems like the two camps are moving in different directions but neither wants the public to see the divide.

Zzirg720 7 points ago +8 / -1

Yeah but now you're tied to that system, and when it decides you don't need treatment when you know you do, or refuses to cover a natural safe treatment and only offers you some dangerous alternative?
If you're lucky, and your government hasn't shut down all private alternatives sure, you can pay out of pocket, but the prices will be sky high and you'll already be down $3500. One of the reasons I still keep some cash in the bank is so that I can run out and see a real natural doctor in a pinch if I need to. My employer offers good insurance but the system doesn't always let you do what's right for your health. Letting the government have full control only exacerbates all the problems we have with our hyper regulated and monopolized system here.

Zzirg720 5 points ago +5 / -0

The government wasn't what made their marriage real, and it hasn't ended unless they let those pieces of paper tell them it has. In this case the government only (when functioning properly) recognizes something that can and will exist with or without them, for purposes of law. To be clear the situation is extremely messed up and this does need to be fixed, but to actively go around saying you're no longer married because you had to pull some paperwork shenanigans to get around the government and and their monopolized economy, that's some serious societal brainwashing.

Zzirg720 10 points ago +10 / -0

In more layman's terms (I've been running Linux for years and still couldn't really explain the word "kernel" for my life). What makes Linux seem "invulnerable" is really the fact that very few scammers and hackers will waste time on Linux when only a tiny percentage of the market uses it. The most gullible and easy marks are using Windows so that's where most of the hackers go. Simple as that. It does seem to be a lot more inherently secure than windows but if it had the same size market share there would be more problems to follow.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's a little less funny for them. I can more easily forgive someone whose family lived through actual communism for falling for media red-baiting. Plus I just don't see many black or Hispanic men men publicly rooting for Ukraine or against Russia. Too many of them vote Democrat but that doesn't mean they're personally invested in that particular conflict. Something about these Keith Olbermann wannabees raging on social media gives me a special kick. Is that so bad?

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