Today being jailed for speech the other side does not like, tomorrow droned because they do not like that speech. Today they don’t like you questioning or threatening their control, tomorrow you are eliminated/suicided because what you say, the other side does not like. Who is to say what is “right think”/speech, and what is “wrong think”/speech. Today it is questioning an election or being pro-Trump, tomorrow it is because you are anti-Biden, Harris, Obama and questioning, without voter approval, replacing Biden with “Michelle” or Newsome without voters having a say. This is tyranny.
Today being jailed for speech the other side does not like, tomorrow droned because they do not like that speech. Today they don’t like you questioning or threatening their control, tomorrow you are eliminated/suicided because what you say, the other side does not like. Who is to say what is “right think”/speech, and what is “wrong think”/speech. Today it is questioning an election or being pro-Trump, tomorrow it is because you are anti-Biden, Harris, Obama and questioning, without voter approval, replacing Biden with “Michelle” or Newsome without voters having a say. This is tyranny.