Previous post-
I posted last year about George Brown College having a male player and How I taunted him until he lost his shit and got carded and subbed off. He switch to Centennial, another Toronto college that had a tranny already as well. Well they came to Niagara yesterday and 5 cops attended also because a based father went onto the court after their previous game to tell the trannies what he thought of them and started a fight.
We schooled them 3-1 and both trannies cried after the game on the court and the loud fans rubbed the salt right in... Loved every minute of it. My daughter blocked both of them several times and the crowd went nuts. I would prefer that they protest and not play but that isn't my call. My daughter is a starter and would protest and sit out if her team voted to do so but so far these girls just would rather beat them.
The fastest way to stop this shit is for EVERY female athlete to refuse to play in any game with a tranny in it. As soon as a tranny entered a game, all girls sit on the bench and simply refuse to play.
This would end it in one week!
Doubtful - especially in places like Canada where the wokeness is almost forced on everyone.
All that would do is make the tranny team the champions by default, and rob all the other girls of great life experiences.
I think you miss the point. If real females do not unite and stand together on this issue, they are doomed to always lose. Rather have no experiences than kowtowing yo trannies. But hey, that’s just me.
Actually I think you missed it. Reread the last paragraph from OP. The girls would rather play and beat them - which they did, 3-1 - so they aren't doomed to always lose.
This was posted here before, but this is what happens when the girls sit out in Canada (and probably other countries like the USA also):
I'm actually on the fence on this one. I would love to see the girls just refuse to play against a boy. However - it can mess with things like scholarships, higher training such as for the Olympics, or just something as simple as wanting to do their specific sport all their lives but suddenly the rules have changed.
I want the girls to have the same chances the boys do. For the most part girls aren't trying to play on boy's teams, although some have tried and made football teams as kickers. That's fair if they are good enough and can make the team, because I'm not sure there are very many girls football teams - if any.
I would like to see a grassroots campaign to stop all of this, maybe in the form of class-action lawsuits trying to get compensated for lost income (scholarships, chances at college NIL endorsements or Olympic endorsements, win/loss records, sport records, and the usual pain/suffering).
I could not possibly disagree more with you on this topic. Males in women’s sports cannot be tolerated. Period. Anything less is playing their game, a surrender. This sacrifice must be made by someone, sometime or it will just get progressively worse, just like everything else progressives touch.
If you want your daughter to accept that a man playing as a fake women in a woman’s sport is ok or normal, then I think you are on the right track. If my daughter was in this type of situation, she would not accept it. She was raised to understand 2+2=4, not what some LGBTQXYZ says it is.
Good luck to you and your daughter and I sincerely wish you the best!