I've seen posts on social media about how today's sports are basically the "Bread and circuses" to distract the masses from holding governments accountable. If they, and entertainment are distractions, does that mean that post-Awakening, sports and entertainment will be banned?
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Anti "sportsballer" are as insufferable as any shrill leftist.
So are meatheads with CTE that like to sit around the house in a jockstrap pecking away at a laptop following their Fantasy teams, it’s super gay.
Whats super gay is acting like a leftist as if what others find enjoyable is beneath your superior intellect and will and categorizing those people as somehow lesser humans. Im sure you do shit I would find super fucking gay. Im not going to stop you as long is it isnt illegal. From your comment I get this feeling the jocks kicked your ass a lot when you were young.