I am very confused by some of Q's fore knowledge of events of the Russia\Ukraine War. Of course, there are many events where Q has proved he knows what events will happen in the future, and makes posts exactly on the delta date of the event.
Q stated riots planned across the country exactly a few years before the BLM riots. He used the word Afghanistan, on the delta (3 years before?) the US chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. He seemed to know the exact number of votes required to get McCarthy as Speaker, on the delta of finally winning the vote.
I get it that many of these events are just a show. Q said himself that he knows the future via "control."
What about the Ukraine and Russia war though? There are very small signs that Putin is aware of the Q plan and is playing along with it (like placing his watch on the table next to a pen. Like Putin having an interview with Tucker on the exact delta of the Q post saying "Russia, Russia, Russia. What happens with the media loses control of the truth?"
We all know by now, there are no coincidences. These were not lucky guesses are they?
This war is something that is not simply just a show of actors is it? Literally hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers have been dying in this horrible war. If the "White Hats" is allowing these people to die just to continue a show, they really don't seem like White Hats to me.
There are numerous obscure channels on YouTube and Telegram that regularly play endless videos of slaughter and warfare daily. Even with AI, I don't think it would be possible to create such fake content. There have been many eye witness reports from Russians and Ukrainian people that have lost loved ones. It is impossible for me to believe this is a show.
So, how then does it seem that Q war aware of how the Ukraine Russian War might be at this point of time? Maybe he really does have a science fiction computer "Project Looking Glass" that can see into the future.
What are your thoughts on this?
Obscure channels? If I'm not mistaken, there is mainstream media camera footage of nearly every single battle of World War 2, 80 years ago. With all the fighting going on over there, and billions more internet connected cameras, you're telling me there's not one official news\media stream of footage of these battles? How is that? Why are they just showing up on obscure channels?
Eye witness reports from Russians and Ukrainians? How could we verify that? Would it really be that hard to stage any of this if they really wanted to? I've seen this page question the validity of mass shootings and crisis actors, 9/11, and more, but we're willing to take the word of random Russian and Ukrainian eye witness reports? How do we actually know the numbers are as high as we are told? I've heard wildly different numbers from so called "official" media sources - spanning hundreds of thousands. That is a lot of people. It seems like it's all guessing.
We have been believing fake and manufactured news now for decades before most of us realized it. My bar is pretty high for believing anything at this point.