Dear frens,
Thank you for all your prayers, dears frens.
Thursday, 7.00 p.m. Berlin time
So I visited her also today and after being there for a while it was better, not so much just when I arrived. She is well, but still not so well mentally due to the anasthesia, she has still some problems with orientation. I just heard now via phone that she had a panic attack seeing someone standing at her bed close to her. Not so good. They gave her a drug against panic attacks. Not so good in my view. I told them to call me, if it happens again so that I can once again drive to the hospital and be with her.
Please pray for the recovery of her inner peace, confidence and full mental/emotional strength and clarity. Thank you.
While being there in the afternoon I felt relieve for myself and regained my old inner strength and peace back. So whoever prayed 4 hours ago for me (3.00 p.m. Berlin time) - thank you so much, I felt it immediately!!!
Thursday 12.00 a.m. Berlin time
So far the surgery on Wednesday was successful, so far no fear of inflammation values rising. But low blood pressure, but she has pain and seems not to be fully able to communicate. I was there after the surgery when she was still under the narcotic influence and hoped that it would be better today.
Next hour I will be with her again to check that. I hope this will improve soon. I keep you updated.
All your support helped so very much, glad to have you, because my levels of braveness are weakened through the last years.
(due to the anasthesia yesterday, she was uttering cries every 10 minutes not fully conscious. Normally I can handle such things being fully in my capacity of caring for the other. At the moment not so much. I need more inner strength to stay useful for her.)
today we have been told that my mother has colon cancer and for Wednesday the surgery to remove it has been set.
The last year, after the death of her oldest daughter, my sister, was not a good year for her and her health was fading away. Now the cause has been found, it was due to the cancer. And yes, she took the vax (one J&J), I could not prevent it unfortunately. Ivermectin is not available here in Germany and also the time is too short.
The part after the successful surgery will be the crucial part due to her age. I have a good and hopeful feeling, but would appreciate your prayers as support for her.
Thank you very much, dear frens. God bless and protect you and your family.
Dear Wildflower11, thank you very much for the hugs and support.