When the towers fell, I called my husband, architect, and begged him to come home. Seeing the second tower fall really upset me. My brother in law, and a nephew were there at the time (both ended up being ok, at least physically, not so emotionally, but that is another story.
I asked my husband how this could happen. He said that the building codes were changed because of the completely different method of construction - the building wasn't supported by the central column, but by the outside walls, and that they had to change the method of fireproofing those walls, not using the existing standard - asbestos. Whatever they used instead wasn't as effective as asbestos which was too heavy to use, so the substitute fireproofing on the exterior steel failed, the steel weakened, and the collapse began, with each floor failing in return as the floor above added it's weight to the floor below... domino fashion.
Not, there may have been asbestos elsewhere in the building, but it was the "open floor" plan that was the achilles heel, according to his understanding. He graduated from MIT, so did know his stuff about codes, changes, etc.
He died 12 years ago, and obviously may have looked for an understandable change in construction and building codes, so he could understand what might have contributed to the collapse, and thus fastened upon the explanation he gave me.
I would prefer that one, emotionally, than to believe that both USA and Israel deliberately killed all those people.
When the towers fell, I called my husband, architect, and begged him to come home. Seeing the second tower fall really upset me. My brother in law, and a nephew were there at the time (both ended up being ok, at least physically, not so emotionally, but that is another story.
I asked my husband how this could happen. He said that the building codes were changed because of the completely different method of construction - the building wasn't supported by the central column, but by the outside walls, and that they had to change the method of fireproofing those walls, not using the existing standard - asbestos. Whatever they used instead wasn't as effective as asbestos which was too heavy to use, so the substitute fireproofing on the exterior steel failed, the steel weakened, and the collapse began, with each floor failing in return as the floor above added it's weight to the floor below... domino fashion.
Not, there may have been asbestos elsewhere in the building, but it was the "open floor" plan that was the achilles heel, according to his understanding. He graduated from MIT, so did know his stuff about codes, changes, etc.
He died 12 years ago, and obviously may have looked for an understandable change in construction and building codes, so he could understand what might have contributed to the collapse, and thus fastened upon the explanation he gave me.
I would prefer that one, emotionally, than to believe that both USA and Israel deliberately killed all those people.