Nonnajoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has been my thought, or maybe my fear, that the 3 letter agencies informed him that they has 6 ways from Sunday to totally discredit him, have him arrested, and tried for horrific crimes involving children.

The black youth he was fostering didn't turn out too well, with a rap sheet. This might be involved in whatever the "agencies" are using to control him. Further, it is my worry that almost all our congress critters are equally controlled by similar methods, and or carefully constructed and presented legal cases threatening them with total discreditation, financial ruin, and jail time.

These are the times that try our souls. We have no idea how much we don't know...

Nonnajoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my opinion, Kate is extremely thin, and is choosing the horizontal stripes to disguise that - knowing that the camera generally makes a person look at least 10 pounds heavier than they are, she is trying to disguise a figure that looks as if she has an eating disorder.

I hope this isn't true. Cancer isn't the cause, as she has been painfully thin for years before this episode.

Nonnajoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am praying for you, your brother, and all who love him. I am praying for the doctors and nurses who care for him.

I know others who do not post are also doing the same. Let us all pray that our medical system gets fixed, and doctors recover their rights to treat us each as individuals.

Nonnajoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

When the towers fell, I called my husband, architect, and begged him to come home. Seeing the second tower fall really upset me. My brother in law, and a nephew were there at the time (both ended up being ok, at least physically, not so emotionally, but that is another story.

I asked my husband how this could happen. He said that the building codes were changed because of the completely different method of construction - the building wasn't supported by the central column, but by the outside walls, and that they had to change the method of fireproofing those walls, not using the existing standard - asbestos. Whatever they used instead wasn't as effective as asbestos which was too heavy to use, so the substitute fireproofing on the exterior steel failed, the steel weakened, and the collapse began, with each floor failing in return as the floor above added it's weight to the floor below... domino fashion.

Not, there may have been asbestos elsewhere in the building, but it was the "open floor" plan that was the achilles heel, according to his understanding. He graduated from MIT, so did know his stuff about codes, changes, etc.

He died 12 years ago, and obviously may have looked for an understandable change in construction and building codes, so he could understand what might have contributed to the collapse, and thus fastened upon the explanation he gave me.

I would prefer that one, emotionally, than to believe that both USA and Israel deliberately killed all those people.

Nonnajoy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have't read any of your comments yet, but my immediate thought when read big headline?.....

What good will that do? So many ways to forge docs, disguise, head for the southern border, (heck, they are probably already here!) and all sorts of other subterfuges that our new "hiring" preferences will fail to notice, or even care about..

Sorry to be such a negative nellie... but do they really think this will accomplish anything? Shame on those 2 for not going along just to posture. They will probably be the first to bring in a few more relatives, or needed "advisors" under diplomatic cover.

Nonnajoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting that you have heard rumors about Gen. Flynn. I have spotted a few people over on Telegram being a bit over the top in trying to pain Flynn as a sneaky black hat who is very bad news...

I dont get that, and your comment makes me wonder if the Flynn attackers have heard the same rumors and are throwing chaff around to try and block?

It is hard to know who to believe these days. Except our Father in heaven and his son, our savior, Jesus the Christ.

Nonnajoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am trying to keep hope in my heart, but have a growing fear that this isn't going to end peacefully, which is what I pray for daily.

I have tried to like Steve Bannon. I watch often, because he has good guests, and asks good questions, most of the time. I dont understand, however, his bad grooming, his belligerent posturing, and whether Speaker Johnson is disappointing us or not, he doesn't deserve to be threatened this way.

Bannon shook certainly know by now that the forces desiring to maintain the status quo are very strong in D.C., and are not going to play according to the rules. Johnson has no particular power to get his own way on every issue important to us, as much as we hoped. My main fear is as discussed above, that death threats are or have been made, and we now know there is a track record of assassinations and murders of many who got on the wrong side of these evil forces in power.

Nonnajoy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Something else that we might research is the Carnivore diet. A good place to start is Dr. Ken Berry's YouTube videos.

There are many other sources for info. There is a very strict form of the carnivore diet that may be very helpful in figuring out what foods/chemicals might be causing a particular individual all sorts of health problems. It is called the Lion diet, and there is much research being done on how it can help with psych challenges, depression, and all sorts of neurological problems.

My love an support to all of you who are trying to get off the SSRI meds. In y experience they dont work, dont solve the problem, and do more harm than good.

Nonnajoy 14 points ago +14 / -0

I am wondering in a totally different direction...

Could this be a dot connecting to the speculation that ByeDone is only "acting resident", and that the Commander in Chief is someone else (hmmm, who could that be?), and actually has the nuclear football?

If so, would it explain this weird situation? No reason to call or inform any chain of command about the surgery/infection/ICU stuff, because the real Chain of Command is operating silently, behind the curtain/movie we are supposed to be watching?

I have no clue, just watching it all, and shaking my head at how we have been manipulated all these years. I am in my 80th decade now, and am now distrusting everything I see/hear/read. The truth is not easy to find.

Nonnajoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grew up on a farm, back before it was illegal to drink raw milk. (Yes, I am that old!)

When I was about 6, some farm in the county we lived in had a cow or two test positive for something they called “Bangs”. My dad got a home pasteurizer to pasteurize the great milk from our clean cows. I used to help at milking time.

I stopped drinking milk, because the pasteurized milk tasted so terrible, no longer slightly sweet and refreshing, but kind of like burned rubber. I do not drink pasteurized milk today, and try to avoid commercial cheeses, except for sheep’s milk and goat milk cheeses, preferably raw!

Of course… that’s just me, and to each his own. I think sanitation, testing, and grass feeding is the way to go with our pasture animals, don’t feed them grains, and they won’t get sick!

Nonnajoy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I share your feelings, and your wisdom. It took this Covid situation wake me up, even though my third child had terrible reactions to his infant DPT shots, that resulted autoimmune overreactions/problems most of his childhood.

I don’t trust any meds put out by big Pharma now. I won’t take anything prescribed until and unless I can sue them if I am damaged.

I no longer trust the medical profession either, because of how easily intimidated they have become, not to stand up to hospitals, insurance companies, and remember their oath to do no harm. Now they will do anything for money - witness that lifel long damage done to children thinking they would rather be another sex!

I will trust god, and maybe surgeons, in some circumstances, like auto accidents or falling off the roof!😏

Nonnajoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

What bothers me about RFK’s position on these other issues is that, while he seems to be very smart, at least legally, he may not be as all that wise, just fashionably clever at gaining social acceptance and popular rank.

He certainly hasn’t applied much consideration of the consequences of banning plastics (they contaminate movver erf, you know!)

Stop and think about how our modern way of life would be impacted across all areas of activity, food, clothing, appliances, transportation, medical, etc. if plastics were banned outright. Does he really believe this is a practical idea, or is he just tossing manufactured meat products to the environmental folks?

I find him interesting to watch, but don’t trust him one bit. Too “politically correct” for my common sense earned the hard way over these past 80 years of seeing so many of us sweet talked, fooled, lied to, and manipulated against our own best interests.

Nonnajoy 9 points ago +9 / -0

That was my thought. No government handouts, no free health care, no free food, shelter, or cell phones. They are not entitled to our tax dollars.

And, most importantly, no more tax dollars to charitable organizations who pretend to “be helping” with resettlements, and the rest of it - no money for food banks, either.

And, no jobs either, with our big corporations being fined heavily if they hire illegals. And, no anchor babies, either.

So there, maybe the newly impoverished charitable organizations can accept voluntary donations from the bleedingheart lefties for cheap transportation back to the country of origin.

Nonnajoy 1 point ago +1 / -0

It occurred to me while listening to Trump’s speech about gangs looting and robbing stores - particularly when he mentioned shooting those engaged in such activity, that we might eventually end up as we did back in the day, as you said.

When law enforcement and the judicial system do not uphold, or permit the upholding of justice, law and order, citizens may step forward to defend life, property, and civil order. How do I spell the plural of posse?

Nonnajoy 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree with you, and it makes me sad. He gets really good guests, but his high opinion of himself gets in the way. It makes me turn him off, but I don’t know where else to go to get the good info.

And, as a very old mom, why doesn’t he get a decent haircut, and wash his hair once in awhile. It triggers me (bossy mom, wash behind your ears mode) !

Nonnajoy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for posting this. I too am 80 this year, and tend to get very upset by the total deterioration of our western medical system. You have given me a different perspective.

I have always been “pro-act