Care to bet whatever this is pales in comparison to the security threat our open border, out of control spending, and Orwellian government's surveillance state represents?
My guess it's something totally expected like Russian space nukes or Iran with a nuclear weapon, and neither of those scare me like an open borders does. A nuclear strike to New York City destroys new York City and then Iran gets vaporized and ceases to be a problem forever. An open border destroys the culture of every city that picks up a substantial number of illegals and permanently alters our entire society forever.
Care to bet whatever this is pales in comparison to the security threat our open border, out of control spending, and Orwellian government's surveillance state represents?
My guess it's something totally expected like Russian space nukes or Iran with a nuclear weapon, and neither of those scare me like an open borders does. A nuclear strike to New York City destroys new York City and then Iran gets vaporized and ceases to be a problem forever. An open border destroys the culture of every city that picks up a substantial number of illegals and permanently alters our entire society forever.