The shocking idiocy of the establishment never ceases to amaze me. “The good guy”? Are we children playing cops and robbers? As if in every scenario there is a good and bad guy?
The “war” has been lost. A war we never declared. Ukraine is never getting that land back. No amount of money will get it back. So it doesn’t even matter if there is a good or bad guy. Reality matters. Ukraine lost. It has run out of men to grind to death in minefields.
And yet “the adults in the room” don’t skip a beat. Send more money! How come no one ever asks why? Why send more money? For what? Please explain how more money is going to somehow magically let Ukraine take back land it couldn’t take with the last 100 billion we sent. When they actually had troops left.
The truth is, it’s more about the control than it is about the money. The global elite demand that we send money. We are supposed to bend to their will and send it. Their entire trillion dollar propaganda machine is supposed to convince us. Our politicians are supposed to obey. It shouldn’t matter what the average voter wants.
And now it does. Now we have politicians willing to tell them to fuck off. No one gives a shit what the media says. So what happens next money laundering operation? If we refuse this demand, we will refuse future ones.
It’s not supposed to be this way. They shouldn’t be panicking. They have paid off so many people. They should be in control. And they aren’t. The money should have been sent already. It’s a sign of a much bigger problem.
The new world order that so many of them spent their entire lives building is coming to an end. The signs are obvious, and they refuse to accept it.
She wasn’t supposed to lose. Now they all lose. NCSWIC.
The shocking idiocy of the establishment never ceases to amaze me. “The good guy”? Are we children playing cops and robbers? As if in every scenario there is a good and bad guy?
The “war” has been lost. A war we never declared. Ukraine is never getting that land back. No amount of money will get it back. So it doesn’t even matter if there is a good or bad guy. Reality matters. Ukraine lost. It has run out of men to grind to death in minefields.
And yet “the adults in the room” don’t skip a beat. Send more money! How come no one ever asks why? Why send more money? For what? Please explain how more money is going to somehow magically let Ukraine take back land it couldn’t take with the last 100 billion we sent. When they actually had troops left.
The truth is, it’s more about the control than it is about the money. The global elite demand that we send money. We are supposed to bend to their will and send it. Their entire trillion dollar propaganda machine is supposed to convince us. Our politicians are supposed to obey. It shouldn’t matter what the average voter wants.
And now it does. Now we have politicians willing to tell them to fuck off. No one gives a shit what the media says. So what happens next money laundering operation? If we refuse this demand, we will refuse future ones.
It’s not supposed to be this way. They shouldn’t be panicking. They have paid off so many people. They should be in control. And they aren’t. The money should have been sent already. It’s a sign of a much bigger problem.
The new world order that so many of them spent their entire lives building is coming to an end. The signs are obvious, and they refuse to accept it.
She wasn’t supposed to lose. Now they all lose. NCSWIC.